To carry out the profession of real estate agent, it is required to meet a number of objective standards that provide the qualification to carry out this vital career. One of the main conditions that must be met is the licence of business agent in mediation, which is gained by completing a training course at the Chamber of Commerce.
If You’re Looking to Expand Your Knowledge:
Getting a real estate agent licence is crucial to be able to carry out the profession, both because it is needed by law to be able to legally perform this career and because studying for it allows you to gain all of the theoretical skills required to carry it out to the fullest. Better.
So there you have it: all you need to know about real estate agent licences.
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Why Should You Get a Real Estate Broker’s License?
As stated in the introduction, a real estate agent must meet a number of professional requirements in order to carry out the profession, both to comply with the laws that govern the profession and to have all the necessary skills to carry it out in an aware and competent manner, responding to all requests from those looking to buy, sell, or rent a home, among other things.
It is very important to attend a professional qualification course, which allows you to present your application to sit the qualification exam for the attainment of the business agent licence in mediation. After passing the exam, you will be able to seek enrolment in the competent register.
The application for taking the exam must be submitted to the Chamber of Commerce, which may also be done electronically. These courses are often arranged and funded for by various organisations and groups, with figures varying based on the reality that supports them.
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How is the course for acquiring the licence conducted?
Throughout the training course for the real estate agent licence, a wide range of concepts essential for carrying out the professions of mediator and adviser are covered. The following competencies are required to advance to the next level of professional qualification:
ideas on the profession, i.e. the civil code’s discipline on the rights and responsibilities of the professional mediator, as well as the administrative tasks to be met in carrying with this position;
Legal education, including concepts of tax and civil law, to understand everything about contracts and duties, which are an essential aspect of excellent mediation;
Tax preparation for the payment of tax duties, as well as parts of family law, insolvency processes, bankruptcy, succession, and contributions;
Marketing and negotiating aspects, to enable the prospective real estate agent to better handle the commercial aspect of the industry, as well as understanding the promotional strategies of sale and rental, and to have efficient communication;
concepts of urban planning law and legislation, real estate market research, and special insights for contracts pertaining to land register, appraisal, and real estate.
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Exam for real estate agent licence
In the first place, the Chamber of Commerce’s exam for getting a real estate agent licence consists of two written examinations. Following completion and passing of the two written tests, the average of which must be at least seven tenths, an oral test will be administered, which will cover topics in the technical and legal fields, as well as knowledge of the urban and agricultural real estate markets, their trends, and price fluctuations. The candidate must get a score of at least six tenths to pass the oral test.
If the exam is passed, a certificate of appropriateness is granted, attesting to the presence of the necessary qualifications to perform the profession. If, on the other hand, the exam fails in one of its sections, it will be allowed to retake it. The application to take it again can be resubmitted six months after the negative result is received.
To take the exam, the applicant must attend at the time of the test with appropriate knowledge and having completed and mailed the application form (which can be acquired on the website of his Chamber of Commerce of reference), as well as having paid a specified amount of money for secretarial expenses. Remembering to submit the exam application is critical not only for participation in the exam, but also because when the document is sent, the applicant authorises himself to be summoned to the first available session of exams, to which he is required to appear.
What to do after becoming a real estate agent
You become a real estate agent after passing the exam. Opportunities may occur for you to work for a real estate agency or to create your own. Starting your own agency requires a significant amount of effort to gather the resources required to generate sales.