There are over 1,000 species of trees in North America and 73,300 around the globe. These may seem like large numbers, but they’re not, especially considering how many trees are lost daily to deforestation and other causes.
The unfortunate truth is the more we get rid of our planet’s trees, the worse off our environment will be down the road.
Trees are not only a beautiful part of our natural environment, but they’re always working to help make the earth healthier. Since the beginning of time, trees provide us with two of our necessities, oxygen and food. Over time, trees continued to provide for our living essentials by giving us shelter, medicine, and the materials to make tools.
Here are six reasons why trees remain important to our ecosystem.
- Trees Neutralize Greenhouse Gasses
We hear all the time that greenhouse gasses are causing immeasurable harm to our planet, and trees are some of the biggest fighters of greenhouse gasses. You see, trees store carbon dioxide in their wood. And would you believe that old trees can store much more CO2 than new trees? Along with planting new trees, we must also preserve the old ones.
- Trees Clean the Air
In addition to taking CO2 out of the air, trees also remove pollutants in the air. Usually, these pollutants come from burning fossil fuels. This is why those who live in the country often talk about breathing in clean air, something city folk can’t boast about. Unfortunately, those who’ve never lived around trees tend to have a shorter lifespan and health issues like heart disease and asthma.
- Trees Are Home to Wildlife
Trees are home to various wildlife, including birds, small mammals, and insects. Removing trees means removing a range of creatures from the ecosystem, which can have devastating consequences.
- Trees Provide Useful Materials
Trees provide a range of useful materials. For example, some countries still make homes entirely out of trees. Tree bark, leaves, etc., can be used as a reliable fuel source. Of course, when it comes to using the materials trees produce, restraint must be exercised, so there’s no overusing of resources.
- Trees Provide Food
Trees provide food and nutrients to a variety of animals and insects. Elephants, koalas, and giraffes, for example, eat tree leaves. Birds, bats, and insects enjoy tree nectar. And then some trees grow fruits that humans enjoy, like orange and apple trees. For some critters, a tree is both a home and a food source, so removing trees is incredibly detrimental to certain species.
- Trees Reduce Erosion
Did you know trees fight erosion? It’s true! Tree roots hold soil in place and suck up rainwater and groundwater, slowing erosion. And when tree roots suck up groundwater, flooding is less likely.
Finally, when a tree dies, it decomposes and enriches the soil. Just think of all the mushrooms, insects, and other decomposers you see on a tree when it’s split and fallen.
So the next time you stop to admire a large oak or a uniquely shaped willow, consider all our planet’s trees do for us, the creatures we share the earth with, and all the other organisms that live among us.
Because we know that trees help us feel grounded and connected with nature, we founded a service that allows people to give others the gift of a tree. At The Gifted Tree, we plant trees to help people celebrate important milestones and to memorialize loved ones they’ve lost. Instead of wasteful flowers or an unwanted physical item for a person who already has all that they need, planting a tree is an impactful way to make a real difference in the world.