As a business owner, there is nothing you want more than to sit back and allow your employees to get on with their own jobs. Productivity, employee happiness, and smooth operations rely on effective delegation and trust from the top that those below are doing the job they are paid to do to the best of their ability.
However, that does not mean that you shouldn’t be analyzing their activity. Employee activity analysis will allow you to motivate staff, discipline where necessary, and give you a better idea of how your business is truly functioning. How? Simply by providing accurate feedback.
Employee Activity
Employee workloads, budgets, and attendances are all activities that can be tracked and analyzed using quality software. Real-time data is provided that is simple to understand, allowing you or other managers to make quick decisions in order to save time and money and increase group productivity.
Being able to track the activity of employees has its main benefit lying in increased productivity. Through workforce management software, not only can a business owner track whether employees are clocking into work on time, approve holidays, and view what shifts have been swapped between staff, but it also allows employees to take control of their own work life. This is because they can quickly and easily view their entitlements and make requests through the software, without the need for a meeting or email.
Monitoring attendance is vital. It is important to remember that not all absences are suspicious or wrong – take this example of an Irish business struggling with an employee who avoids meetings – but that does not mean it isn’t crucial to track.
Knowing who has poor attendance or who is frequently late allows you to provide the relevant response depending on the situation. If the employee’s actions are a result of irresponsibility or laziness, then discipline could be issued; if they are for unaddressed personal issues, then support can be provided.
Being able to track a group of employees’ activities will allow you to motivate them better. If improvement is needed in a certain area – attendance or productivity, for example – then a manager could try offering a reward in the form of an afternoon off in return for the improvement on such shortcomings.
The ability to offer precise and evidence-based feedback is another positive of tracking employee activity. There is nothing worse than attempting to provide feedback to a member of staff that you are not close to or have not been provided sufficient information about. They will begin to lose trust in you as a leader or colleague if what you tell them is incorrect.
With reports and analytics on an employee’s attendance and activity, you have the information you need to reward or discipline them accordingly. Employee feedback should always be given in a constructive manner, though, and such analytics should be completed in multiple ways. You need software for tracking such data, but you also take the time to get to know your staff individually.