To best place content on Instagram and find appropriate influencers for the brand, it is really important to know what appeals to users the most in this present situation. There are some topics, which are going hot on Instagram since 2019 and sure to stay in that way for the longest span of time. The list has been created by clustering multiple hashtags of over 5 million posts on Instagram by their topic. The order was created after checking out the number of times these harsh tags were used. In case you end up comparing the ranking with that of the previous year, then you will discover some new categories in the list too. Just make sure to focus on these topics, and if you have posted on them, then Instagram is the place for you to address that.
- Number one is fashion:
If there is any topic that Instagram is known for that has to be fashion, for sure! Just like previous few years, shoes, garments, jewelry, bags, and more are all becoming quite popular on Instagram and more than anything else. The “fashion” hashtag was widely used and found in more than half a billion of the posts already. It surely proves the kind of impact fashion has on the Instagram platform.
Hardly any of the other networks seem more suitable for distributing some of the fashion trends than Instagram. The conditions associated with fashion retailers are always better now after they have launched their brand names on Instagram. They got some serious followers from such fashion-centric posts on Instagram!
- Food is another one on the list:
Even though it was a bit lower in the category a few years back, now food is the second hottest topic that is going around on Instagram. Instagram users cannot seem to get enough of the less or more creative pictures and video montages of food display, presentation, and even consumption. There are so many hashtags, which are used for separate dishes and foods, every food trend and diet trend that you can come across. So many restaurants have been flourishing their business after getting their names and pictures posted on this social media platform.
- You have the design in the list:
Just like with Pinterest, Instagram is another most popular platform, perfect for staging architecture. Instagram is also a great call to consider when you are thinking about interior design and in the most stylish way. Here, the top hashtags that you will see are “interior designs,” “design,” and “home,” to name a few. So, if you have such interior design posts, then you can gladly use these hashtags and get some good vibes from similar people.
- Party hashtags are also in:
Party hashtags have now made it right into the top list for the first time, and it is sure to stay in that manner for the longest span of time. Users are celebrating such posts with hashtags like dance, music, festival, and so on. They are diligently posting videos and photos of the event promotions, concerts, or nightlife moments.
- Now it is time for travel:
Previously travel was a hot topic on Instagram. It is, even to this date, but not quite like the topics mentioned already, and it has dropped a few places below in the ladder. You can check out more about that from, where the main topics are listed below for your reference. Mainly during this time when more and more people are able to work from anywhere, and travel has been restricted, you will find few travel-based pictures on Instagram. But, still, there are some, and those pictures and posts are just mind-blowing.
- Health category for you:
If you are looking for another topic to be placed under the Instagram sector, then health is another consideration to follow. These are posts with some hashtags like wellness, vegans, healthy and organic. It will benefit that same group of users who are into fitness posts. Even the fashion or travel group might get interested in checking out this group sometimes. The main desire over here is towards a vital lifestyle, and these posts will offer that same vibe.
- Fitness goals are always there:
You cannot imagine this social media platform without steeled and immaculate bodies of the fitness freak out there. Some of the major Instagrammers are always gathering millions of followers, who are more than happy to share their perfect workout routines, motivations, and diet-friendly recipes. Especially during this COVID situation, health is the top-most priority. As people have been restricted in their movements, they are turning out to be unhealthy more than ever. So, these people are longing for ways to maintain fitness from their home and turning out to be beautiful and healthy by following these posts.
- Inspiration based topics on Instagram:
Instagram is always the inspiration network. Motivational texts on the beautiful background can be found often, and that makes it pretty weird. You never know what people might like these days. From the posts and surveys made, it is quite clear that people have soft corners for motivational lines these days, after all! These lines can be anything from the positive new-age phrase of business marketers or just the millennia-old wisdom of some of the spiritual masters. Just type the hashtag “never give up,” and you will be bombarded with so many such lines.
- Going on with nature:
Nature’s topic has quite gained relevance right from last year. These hashtags are now describing seasons, landscapes, natural events, and more. You can see these posts more and more, as people are looking towards nature’s pictures more than ever these days. Let’s take an example for your better understanding. You will be shocked to know that the simple hashtag “snow” has been used in around 86 million posts!
So, if you are associated with any of these topics, then you can enter the world of Instagram well. You will be shocked by the options waiting for you to grab!