We are at a time when people are increasingly looking for more natural remedies to treat different health problems. And among them, CBD oil is shown as one of the most outstanding: it’s a 100% natural product and it has many beneficial therapeutic properties.
Besides, CBD is now legal in the UK and Europe, and you can access some of the best online CBD shops such as JustBob.shop and get the best CBD oils and CBD flowers delivered to your doorstep.
If you want to learn more about legal situation of CBD in Europe, follow this link.
CBD oil and its benefits
CBD oil comes directly from the cannabis or marijuana plant. Still, it must be made clear that it does not have a psychoactive effect since it is free of THC, which is the substance that causes the psychotropic effect that we traditionally associate with marijuana.
For some time now, CBD oil has been widely used to treat stress and anxiety problems due to its well-known calming properties to the nervous system.
But is CBD oil or cannabidiol really good for stress and anxiety? The answer is yes, it works, although it must be made clear that it is not a definitive solution but rather an excellent alternative to treat and reduce them, preventing them from increasing. Likewise, if you suffer from stress or anxiety, the most effective thing will continue to be to go to a mental health professional who can help you.
Does CBD work against stress and anxiety?
Also known as cannabidiol, CBD is a natural ingredient extracted directly from the cannabis plant, which can be used as an effective and safe treatment against anxiety and stress. The problem is that many people do not dare to consume it, because they associate it with the marijuana plant.
But, within marijuana, it is necessary to differentiate between CBD and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). So it is that, for the moment, it has not been shown that CBD produces any dependence, alters our mental capacities, or has any psychotropic effect. This is stated by the World Health Organization (WHO) in a report carried out in December 2017.
On the other hand, THC can create anxiety and cause addiction if consumed in large quantities, in addition to the fact that it has been fully demonstrated that it has a psychoactive effect and that it alters our minds.
Different studies have shown that CBD is good for reducing anxiety, stress, panic and compulsive behaviours. Still, as we have mentioned, that does not mean that it should be taken as a definitive solution. Far from it. It can help, but other factors need to be in place for stress and anxiety to disappear completely.
Likewise, it must be taken into account that anxiety does not affect men and women in the same way. In general, it affects the female gender more seriously, who experience worse symptoms and have a greater probability of having an additional diagnosis.
Main benefits of CBD oil
- It has anti-inflammatory effects. Many studies confirm that CBD is capable of relieving inflammation. These state that CBD influences the endocannabinoid system to modulate the bearable limits of pain. Thus, it prevents the sending of inflammatory molecules to the damaged parts of the body, mitigating the uncomfortable inflammation.
- Analgesic. It frees us from the sensation of pain, whether in the joints, back or knees.
- Antiepileptic. The Spanish Ministry of Health has approved Epidyolex, the first CBD-based medication for epileptic seizures associated with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS) and Dravet syndrome (DS).
- Neuroprotective. Several studies have shown that CBD could work to strengthen the brain and protect it from steady decline as people age.
- Anxiolytic. Thanks to its anxiolytic properties, we find it among the ingredients of products designed to reduce or eliminate anxiety symptoms.
So, if you want to enjoy all the CDB benefits, simply order your CBD oils online at JustBob.shop: the leading CBD European retailer!