3 Signs That It’s Time to Replace Your Home’s Roof

When the day comes to replace your home’s roof, and it will come sooner than you had hoped, it’s something we wish we could put off for a while longer. But if your home’s roof is that bad, there’s no benefit in waiting. If you wait too long, more damage could occur and make the whole process more difficult and costly.

A new roof isn’t cheap, but neither is rebuilding the structure to support the roof. When owning a house, a new roof is something you plan for because if you keep the house long enough, that day will come. So, what are the signs to look for when you suspect your home’s roof is failing?

Leaks Appear

One of the most troublesome aspects of an old roof is leaks. Leaks can appear in one place, but the source is entirely different from how water flows. It’s best to trace the origin by first looking at the roof and its condition. One of the problems with leaks is mold. If you can’t find the source, you’re giving the mold time to grow more.

Shingles Missing or Damaged

You may find damaged or missing shingles, which would indicate the best place to start looking for the source of the leak. When you’re inspecting the roof, and you find worn-out shingles curling at the edges and not laying flat, it’s time to consider a roof replacement before it’s too late.

Some of the issues with shingles include splitting and bald spots because of missing granules. That’s never good to find because you probably don’t know how long your roof has been left unprotected. Also, with your roof in this condition, leaks are bound to happen and sooner than later.

Splitting or cracking shingles usually occurs because of thermal expansion. Thermal expansion occurs when roof temperatures soar, and the shingles expand, then contract again when temperatures cool down. It’s at this time that shingles will tear. Modern asphalt shingles rarely show this phenomenon, but they will if they’re defective or low-quality.

Thermally split shingles typically occur in one section of the roof, and they tear either vertically or horizontally. You will find cracked shingles lying about on the roof’s surface without an apparent pattern because they’re loose pieces disconnected from the roof.

Moss Appears

Moss will inevitably grow on any moist surface that doesn’t receive much sunlight. Roofs are no different. You can brush moss away, only to see it return, but it causes damage to the granules on the top of the shingles.

A big problem with moss is it absorbs moisture and won’t release it, causing a moisture problem with your roof. Moss between your shingles retains moisture and goes to work, slowly damaging your roof. It’s best to investigate the underlying cause of the moisture to end the problem. If trees create too much shade on your roof, consider having them trimmed back or removed.

Your Aged Roof is Over 20 Years Old

Shingles made today outlast their predecessors, but homes with earlier versions won’t stand the test of time and begin to look old and lose their ability to protect the roof. If your roofing system lacks adequate ventilation, shingles begin to show signs of age and wear quickly.

Inadequate ventilation can lead to blistering of the roof because of trapped moisture inside the shingle that breaks through the surface when the shingle expands during high-temperature periods. The blistering create a bald spot exposed to the weather.Keep in mind that curling shingles are a sign of poor ventilation or thermal shock, and you should contact a professional roofing company to address this problem.

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