Layered Cybersecurity: The Best Approach

Given that the rate of data breaches are on the rise, especially in today’s remote working landscape, it’s no wonder that business owners across all industries are paying much more attention to the question of cybersecurity.

It can be a challenge to protect your business against the sheer variety and scope of cyber threats. However, there is one approach that managed service providers will recommend. Layered cybersecurity can keep your company data safer than regular security. Here are a few of the ways this proves true.

What is Layered Cybersecurity?

To put it simply, layered cybersecurity is a multi-faceted approach designed to protect your data so that hackers are less likely to access valuable information. 

Rather than relying on just one strong cybersecurity tool, you establish a system of several components all working on different layers. If every one of those layers of security reduces the chance of a breach, then adding one on top of another decreases the chances of a breach exponentially. 

A professional layered security approach, as provided by cybersecurity IT services in Belleville, might involve using multiple defense counterpoints to ensure that they cover up all of the gaps or flaws in the others.

Examples of Layered Cybersecurity

How does layered cybersecurity work in reality? Well, the truth is that this approach must adapt to the specifics of your system, as well as the likelihood of different threats. For instance, a very basic approach to security might include the use of hardware or software firewalls to establish a perimeter defense. 

Layered cybersecurity is about going a step further, and not relying on one tool, so you might also make use of secure email gateways, endpoint protections, secure physical data storage, and employee security training to go with it. 

After all, a firewall alone might not be enough to stop someone from getting access to an email account via a phishing scam. Email security training and secure email gateways would make up for the gaps in the firewall, however.

The Layers of Layered Cybersecurity

While the above is an example of how layered cybersecurity might work, it’s also important to understand the specifics of those. There are three key levels of layered cybersecurity. 

The first is policy, ensuring that there are strong standards of what provisions should be put in place and how people should handle both potential and real cyberthreats. Technology is the second layer, which includes all manner of hardware and software provisions. The third layer, often considered the most important, is training. Team members must be trained in following the policies and using the technologies as laid out. For instance, any staff member using emails should be following the email security policies.

Why is it so important?

As mentioned, the rate of cyber attacks rises with the passing of each year. Of course, so does the average organization’s need for security. However, not only is the number of threats always changing but so, too, are the nature of those threats. With new technologies, new risks are always on the rise and layered security makes sure that the gaps in new technologies are always addressed. 

What’s more, layered cybersecurity ensures that you are always looking at the effectiveness of existing cybersecurity protections. As security techniques get outdated, they can, in themselves, become a new threat. By relying on a plethora of cybersecurity provisions, that one threat doesn’t immediately open your whole IT network to potential attacks since it is still being protected in other ways.

How Managed Service Providers Help

While there is nothing to stop a business owner or manager from using multiple different tactics, there is more to layered cybersecurity than bringing a host of different tools together. 

Managed service providers, or MSPs, that focus on security create a layered cybersecurity framework that intentionally targets existing gaps in systems, making sure that you have as complete a protective policy as possible. MSPs also focus on the question of cybersecurity from a business’s standpoint as well. They can help you manage the costs of a layered cybersecurity approach by ensuring you’re not spending on two tools that achieve the same effect.

If you’re concerned about cyberthreats, then layered cybersecurity may be the approach you need to offer you some peace of mind. Managed IT services in Belleville can put this approach in place and offer your business a whole new level of protection.

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