If you are injured at work, there is a chance that you could be entitled to compensation for your medical bills, time off, and other damages. While not all employers are required to carry compensation insurance, most are. Unfortunately, many people who get hurt on the job are unsure about how to proceed after the accident. This brief article will share tips on moving forward with a worker’s compensation claim from a legal standpoint after an untimely injury. If you or someone you know has been hurt at work or if you are curious about how to proceed in the event of an accident, this information is for you.
Step 1: Notify A Supervisor Immediately
After getting hurt on the job, inform a supervisor, manager, or someone from your human resources department as soon as possible. This step is important for several reasons. First, it will allow your employer to start the worker’s compensation process promptly. This prepares the way for your claim to be opened and reviewed promptly. Second, it will ensure that important deadlines do not pass. Sadly, many injured employees miss out on compensation because they did not notify their employer in time. Do not delay in disclosing the accident verbally or in writing.
Step 2: Complete any Paperwork Necessary
After notifying your supervisor, you will likely need to complete paperwork in the coming days. This is sometimes as simple as filling out an accident report, but often requires more effort. In any event, make sure that you complete all paperwork in a timely, accurate fashion.
Step 3: Use the Proper Channels for Treatment
Recovering from your workplace injury is of the utmost importance. Be careful, though, about what kind of treatment you receive. Many states will require you to treat with doctors who have been approved by your employer’s insurance company. Often, you will be able to select a physician from a list that your case manager will provide. Seeing a doctor that is not approved may impact your claim negatively. If you have not received information about medical providers, ask someone in your company’s human resources department or your claim’s case manager.
Step 4: Keep Detailed Records
Throughout your claims process, remember to document correspondence with the insurance company, medical records, and any other documents related to your claim. This step will be important if you decide to hire a lawyer. Copy, photograph, or file relevant documents as you receive them.
Step 5: Get Clear on Your Questions
If you are like most people, you will probably have many questions after opening a worker’s compensation claim. To be as informed as possible about the process, consider contacting your state’s Department of Labor. Some states have free programs that are specifically designed to help injured workers understand their rights and the compensation process. In addition, consider consulting with a lawyer that specializes in worker’s compensation like those at Pyrros & Serres. Having a lawyer represent you during the process can be a game-changer.
No one wants to get hurt at work. The process of filing a worker’s compensation claim can be long, stressful, and full of uncertainties. By following the proper steps, though, you could received the compensation that you deserve.